Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Candle Storage Holder

For this project, I made a candle storage holder from a "shaped crisp tin" (aka pringles, or the generic equivalent!)

For information, the authentic pringles tins are better for longer candles because the Aldi ones (which I used) were about an inch and a half shorter.  However, don't discard them, because they are perfect for storing the small scented tealights!

What will you need?

I used some papermania capsule collection papers (3 patterns) trimmed to around 10" x 5" in black, some satin and organza ribbon, some black and white paper roses, some small formed leaves and lace offcuts and some pearls on a string from my stash,  and a creative expressions blingy gem for the centre of the bow.

So how was it done?

  1.  Wrap the first patterned paper around the bottom half of the tin and glue in place.
  2. Then wrap the second patterned paper around the top half of the tin, meeting the top line  of the bottom paper, again, gluing in place.
  3. Wrap the third piece of patterned paper which has been trimmed so it leaves a gap in the centre around the top of the tin, but only glue the bottom and around the top from an inch in from the centre edges. 
  4. Curl back the edges as shown and glue in place. (Double sided paper is nice for this one)
  5. Add the lace around the top and bottom of the tin, nudging it up against the metal rims.
  6. Add lace and ribbon around the centre, covering the paper joins.
  7. Add the pearl trim at this point to the exposed centre panel.  (Don't go right up to the top, as it will stop the lid going on).
  8. Cut some ribbon strips and stick to the centre front, over where the ribbon around the middle of the tin is joined.
  9. Glue ribbon bow over the top of the strips.
  10. Glue flowers and leaves along the side of the rolled edges - I used a hot glue gun for this part as it guaranteed instant stick!
  11. Squirt some silicon or pinflair glue gel into the opening at the top of the rolled back sides and push in ornate pins/gems.
  12. Decorate lid by cutting out two 3 inch diameter circles from the patterned paper of your choice, and glue one to the top of the lid and one on the inside.
  13. Finally, glue lace/trimming around the side of the lid.  Glossy accents worked well with this!
  14. I filled my tin with a combination of small candles and tealights - and because they were scented, it hid the smell of cheese and chives - which remained despite the tin being washed out!!
 I hope you enjoyed finding out how my tin was made

Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Christmas blessings...

We would like to wish all members of our club a very Merry Christmas... and a happy and healthy New Year.